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About Us

Nuevas Fronteras Spanish Immersion Elementary School is the beginning of SoWashCo Schools K-12 Spanish immersion pathway.

Nuevas Fronteras Spanish Immersion (NFSI) is a K-5 inclusive dual language immersion elementary school in South Washington County Schools (SoWashCo Schools). The immersion pathway continues at Woodbury Middle School and Woodbury High School. Students are fully immersed in the Spanish language while learning the same comprehensive curriculum as traditional elementary schools. Specific language allocations are designated at each grade level to ensure that students emerge from the program bilingual and biliterate in Spanish and English. NFSI is a 90/10 program; this means that when students enter the program in kindergarten, 90% of their day and instruction will be in Spanish while 10% will be in English. This percentage will incrementally change each year, and students will ultimately receive instruction in a 50/50 balance by 5th grade. At the middle school and high school levels, students will continue to receive two of their yearlong core classes instructed in Spanish.

School Profile

Emergency Procedures

View the winter weather plan and other safety procedures.


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Meet our school's principal.

Rights and Responsibilities

Reasonable rights and responsibilities related to student expectations.

School Board

View policies and meet the seven-member School Board.